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    Hello , My name is Richard carter Mills

    If you  are looking for a career change. Then come and work for this amazing company.

    Firstly,  let me tell you, a bit about me and how I got to writing my story for this page.

    I was involved with our family business.

    I was driving a Freightliner along with being a Dispatcher, Planner, and Manager of our Container division.

    As we began building this division with new customers the work load  increased, along with anxiety. This would be the all-familiar theme in the Transport Industry.

    In the end it was off the truck into an office with a laptop and a huge whiteboard. Within a few months I was running out of room.

    This next step was the best call we ever made, “we Called iCOS!”

    ICOS had a solution, and it changed my life!

    For example one feature was: On a Friday, I was able to pre-plan the weekend shifts and even the start of the Monday shift. I was able to sleep again! My anxiety was gone, and I felt powerful again.

    I was a super fan of iCOS, the team were heroes in my eyes.

    As new issues arose in our operations , iCOS would create new features that made my daily life so much easier, like the ability to move multiple jobs, date ranges all at once.

    If we had multiple containers on a vessel and it was late, we had to change the dates one by one and this was time consuming.

    Icos created  “Set dates”. I could select a hundred jobs and only needed to change the date once! .Previously this would take me hours, with this feature it took less than 10 seconds!

    There are many more examples of the iCOS genie that I  could go on and on about it as I loved the product so much , in fact – I Joined the company

    I am now a proud employee with iCOS Group, and I love my job!