Welcome to iCOS
The company was originally founded by Chris Grace and Kathy Ross. Sadly Chris passed away in 2003. The collective group of companies has been trading for over 30 years.
iCOS was originally named from the acronym “Integrated Cargo Operating System”.
In 2009, when contemplating the company’s direction, Kathy had an epiphany that inspired her to re-focus the company and create an “internet cargo operating solution” that was “LIVE”.
The company became known as ICOS LIVE.
And a new chapter began for the company. It has been organically grown and bootstrapped by Kathy and the Ross Investment Trust.
Evolution of iCOS Group
Just prior to going into the first Covid lock-down iCOS commenced building their new platforms. iCOS Connect and iCOS GLOBAL, NEXT Generation iCOS (Interoperable Cargo Operating Solution) a significant upgrade from iCOS LIVE.
Both products have been built on Microsoft Azure to enhance scalability & speed.