Coming soon – the release of phase one
Next Generation iCOS
Unlike iCOS LIVE, that is an Internet Cargo Operating System
ICOS GLOBAL is an Interoperability solution
Our brand new Road freight and logistics Management system which has been built on Microsoft Azure platform for security and speed
Offers far more intelligent features than our current iCOS LIVE software.
Container bookings – with the API integration with PortConnect – you only need to enter the container number in the container booking screen
All of the fields will automatically populate with all of the shipping information. Such as current vessel ( shipping line) container type, wharf arrival dates, VBS ( vehicle booking slots) dates and times and much more.

- System handles multiple legs
- Container Hubbing under development
- Container VBS slot date and time direct from PortConnect.
Driver APP
- SMS messages triggered on milestones
- Integrated with our new Driver App called Go Driver.
Dispatch Screen
- Intuitive dispatch screen built with customer feedback
- Route optimization under development
- Messaging and notification features for collaborating and alerts
- Quick links for increased user experience configurable to suit the user’s requirements
- Unlimited Dispatch view feature that allows the user to flick through pre-set layouts
- More intuitive and user-friendly way of setting your filters and set views
- Users can now rearrange their dispatch screen by drag and dropping in the columns list as well as the dispatch screen
- Column pinning feature allows the user to Pin required columns to the dispatch view
- Pivot mode allows the user to drag and drop dispatch screen columns and group for auto calculating data lightning fast
- Workbench to view at all times
- New status called HOLD added to the status cycle
- Ability to change status OFL to RDY allowing users to identify when the booking is ready for delivery
- Now at & Going to Area (Suburb) added
- AM/PM column to allow the user to identify if the job should be done in the AM or PM
- Grid reference column to allow the user to identify the grid location the booking is located
- Discharge date and time column that can be integrated with PortConnect
- Detention date and time column that can be selected or configured to default to pre-determined amount of days post discharge or vessel departure date and time. The column also has colour status coding and day counter for a better user experience
- Last free time column that can be selected or data can be pulled from PortConnect, this column also has colour coding for increased user experience
- Ability to Call PortConnect populating container fields including the Port and the designated dehire depot on multiple container bookings by only pressing the call button once
- More intuitive and user-friendly way of setting your filters
- Set dates is a feature that allows the user to move multiple bookings to a date
- Cancelling bookings can now be done from the dispatch screen and multiple at a time
- Right click option for allocating to assets
- Ability to reassign to another vehicle by simply pressing the reassign button.
- Type Urgent or Today in the memo and the field lights up, Red for Urgent and Green for today
- Built in process for managing your RMP,RCS,SES,SEAL and MPI obligations
- New feature for managing operations and revenue allocation for loading and unloading containers. You will be able to allocate the “Cart” to a Skelly and “Lift” to the Swing.
- Totally self-serve
- Embedded Microsoft Power BI so you can create all your internal reports with your data
- User profile has new features allowing the user to change theme’s, switch between accounts and even add a profile pic
- Ability to manage assets
- Mapbox integration including a drop Pin function for pinpoint accurate truck entry at locations
- Divisions is a feature that allows a group of companies the ability to switch between companies with ease
- Microsoft security authorisation
- Far more in-depth user settings for configuration
- New FAF table for managing your FAF groups
- Many new features under development.